
Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Domo - Headphone

Domo - Two domos?

Domo 7 eleven - Domo's first slurpee

Where it all began - Domo's birth

Domokun volume one - Hungry

Domokun volume one - Brother

The ultimate DOMO-fied DOMO fan club

First of all, we would like to say thank you to ALL STAR inc. for agreeing to support and sponsor us.

 in this thing-a-ma-jig blog, we're posting DOMO pics, vids and all that DOMO-fied crap.....follow us and you'll get the latest news, entries, videos, etc. People can also join us through this blog. Once you join, you'll have exclusive access to certain points and you'll get your own name card, your own domo and all that junk you get by joining an unofficial fan are some pics to start the blog.......ENJOY!!!!!!!!!